A LIDAR Streaming Architecture for Mobile Robotics with Application to 3D Structure Characterization


We present a novel LIDAR streaming architecture for real-time, on-board processing using unmanned robots. We propose a two-level 3D data structure that allows pipelined and streaming processing of the 3D data as it arrives from a moving robot: (i) at the coarse level, the incoming 3D scans are stored in memory in a dense 3D voxel grid with a relatively large voxel size - this ensures buffering of the most recent data and the availability of sufficient 3D measurements within a specific processing volume at the next level; (ii) at the fine level, we employ a data chunking mechanism guided by the movement of the robot and a rolling dense 3D voxel grid for processing the data in the immediate vicinity of the robot, which enables reuse of previously computed features. The architecture proposed requires a very small memory footprint, minimal data copying, and allows a fast spatial access for 3D data, even at the finest resolutions. We illustrate the proposed streaming architecture on a real-time 3D structure characterization task for detecting doors and stairs in indoor environments and show qualitative results demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)